Challenging world of chemicals and pharmaceuticals has become our primary expertise where we strongly defend our clients’ interests. Therefore, the services of INVOKAT are well known to the reputable domestic and international pharmaceutical firms.
Our primary activities in this branch involve the following sub-branches;
Mechanics is involved in a wide variety of application areas from simple mechanisms to robotic machinery. INVOKAT IPS with its considerable experience in this sector provides high quality services particularly in the following sub-branches:
Electricity and applied physics is getting popular in recent years with improvements in communication systems. Computers, personal electronic devices and communication devices are major examples. Patenting of Softwares for implementing particular types of operations are mostly problematic in Turkey and Europe where we strictly apply the Case Law of the European Patent Office in order to comply with our clients’ needs and obtaining successful results in defending software implemented inventions.
INVOKAT-IPS has expertise particularly in the following sub-branches of the technology:
Plant Breeder’s Right is a form of Intellectual Property for the protection of plant valieties. It provides a limited commercial monopoly to breeders of new plant varieties which provide to the Breeders the right to exclude others from certain activities including producing and reproducing the protected variety. PBR is personal property and can be assigned, sold and transferred to other parties.
There is no international system for filing PBR and generally applications need to be filed in each country where protection is being sought. The European Community is an exception where a single application before the CPVO provides protection in all participating countries with a centralized system.
Our firm has expertise in registration procedures of Plant Breeder’s Rights in all stages before the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.